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Kathy Thaden


Artist Statement: I believe we are all called to participate in God's work in the world, to seek and serve Christ in everyone we meet… seeing those we encounter as God’s beloved. Inspired by the notion of ‘expectation’ while moving through the doubts and uncertainties of daily life, I found myself contemplating everyday saints with halos. Much of my work also includes some reference to the Trinity, whether as a bold design or as subtle trios of elements.

Bio: Kathy Thaden’s mosaics include abstracts and commissioned work, seeking to engage the viewer in a visual narrative.

“My work is informed by my faith – expressing awe at creation and the Creator. I treasure scrap glass and items from our “throw-away” consumer culture. It is important to me that nothing be wasted, finding beauty in the brokenness.”

A full-time studio artist, Kathy leads mosaic retreats in-person as well as online. Kathy's study of fine arts and degree in Commercial Art led to a career in broadcast design winning numerous honors, including seven Emmy Awards before discovering the medium of mosaic.


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