Sr. Claire Joy

Bless Me for I Have Sinned

Digital image
6" x 6"

Artist Statement: The definition of Sin can run the gamut from breaking the Ten Commandments, to just doing mean deeds, to estrangement from God, For me, the sacrament of Reconciliation is one of the most powerful of all the sacraments. It’s interesting to me, that when the rite is performed by someone NOT ordained, that the Spirit plays the pivotal role in bestowing the grace of forgiveness.

Bio: Sr. Claire Joy is a Life Professed Sister in the Community of the Holy Spirit, a monastic order for women in the Episcopal Church in New York. Before joining the Community, she worked as an artist and graphic designer in television and audio-visual production, animation and magazine design. The Community has encouraged her to pursue her artistic creativity. In addition to exhibitions for ECVA, she designs brochures, invitations, greeting cards, journals and the community’s annual Christmas image.




Jim Baker 1
Kelly Best Bourgeois 1 2
Sally Brower 1 2
Kathy Bozzuti-Jones 1
Alisa E. Clark 1 2
Anne Cameron Cutri 1
Elizabeth de Sherbinin 1
Linda Henke 1 2 3
Linda Hunter 1 2
Kerri Jones 1
Sr. Claire Joy 1 2 3 4

Catherine D. Kerr 1
Jeanelle McCall 1
David Orth 1
Jack Pachuta 1 2 3 4 5
Catherine Picard-Gibbs 1
Michael Prettyman 1 2 3 4
Claudia Smith 1 2
Teresa Marie Staal-Cowley 1
Lee Whiteman 1
Jeff Wunrow 1

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