Judith Davis

Frog in a bog


Artist Statement: “Apprehend God in all things, for God is in all things. Every single creature is full of God and a book about God. Every creature is a word of God.” (Meister Eckhart).

Inspired by the Psalms and great religious thinkers, I attempt to image the Divine Presence in my photography and painting. When my son pointed to the frog in the cranberry bog on Cape Cod, my heart leapt to see this tiny creature of God. I could have missed the frog in the enormous bog of ready-to-harvest cranberries, but my young son was more attentive to the beauties of nature all around him. Luckily, I had my camera to take photos of the cranberry harvest. As a priest, I have been inspired so much by nature and offer my photographs and paintings for meditation in worship. Psalm 150 says, “Let everything that has breath praise God. Hallelujah!” That little frog praised God and we gave thanks for eyes to see God’s beautiful creature.

Bio: The Rev. Judith A. Davis, PhD, is adjunct priest at St. Philip's Episcopal Church in Brevard, North Carolina, President of the Transylvania Choral Society, VP of the Transylvania County Bird Club, Oblate of the Benedictine Sisters of Erie, artist, birder, mom, wife, musician, poet, priest and general Renaissance woman.




Julie Bender 1 2
Kathy Bozzuti-Jones 1 2
Sally Brower 1 2
Sister Claire Joy 1 2
Alisa Clark 1
Judith Davis 1 2
Paula Dittrick 1

Phoebe M. Farris 1
John Holliger 1 2
Frank Logue 1 2
Claudia Smith 1
Robert Tate 1 2
Lee Whiteman 1 2

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