Jenna Higgins
North Shore |
Winter Walk Alone
This picture is one of a series of mine called the study
of the seasons, "Winter walk alone". It reflects what I
like most about living in New England. The seasons are
the best reflection of Gods intentions for the world and
mankind. With life being so busy it is hard for us to
remember that there is a time and a cycle for everything
to happen.
Spring a time for renewal, new growth...
Summer a time to take advantage of the sun and
water. It is a time to feed the new growth with all that
God has to offer. It is a time to go outward, a time to
nourish those things that began to grow in the spring.
Fall, a time to harvest. It is a time when nature
"lets go" of its leaves, gives off its harvest. It is a
time to prepare for the inward journey of the winter.
Winter, a time to go inward. A time of reflection
of what needs to change and what needs to be let go of
as well as to prepare for new growth in the spring.
"Winter walk alone", my winter walk of reflection, is an
inward journey. It is the place I go to walk and reflect
and enjoy the gifts of the cold months of winter. Living
in New England is one of the few places where when
watching nature you can experience the cycle that God
intended us to live by going inward and outward.
Jenna Higgins