Although I am not wealthy, I find
myself living in the exclusive neighborhood of “Sutton
Place”. Our dominate landscape feature is the 59th
Street Bridge* which I see every day when I walk to this
park filled with children and nannies. Each child is
perfect – represented by the Greek symbols IC–XC (Jesus
Christ) on the T-shirt. And to me, each nanny is a
Madonna. Life is a struggle – represented by the
persistent weeds popping out through the pavers and each
weed has three leaves, representing the Trinity. A cross
(representing personal sacrifice) is painted on the ball
at the child’s feet. Wealth is symbolized by the
expensive stroller and poverty by the imitation designer
plaid handbag.
* Officially known as the Queensboro Bridge, featured in
Woody Allen’s film, Manhattan, and in the song by
Simon and Garfunkel, The 59th Street Bridge Song
(Feelin' Groovy).
Beverly Brookshire
(917) 257-8997