Elizabeth de Sherbinin

Heading towards Home

Size: 18" x 24"
Medium: Oil

Artist Statement: We are all on a journey somewhere. Most of us are heading toward a home like the Wise Men were after seeing the Christ Child, or home at the end of our earth-bound time. Each journey is different for each one of us, yet most are full of challenges, hard climbs, dark places with little light, restful moments, sad times, and joyful celebrations. This painting is just the suggestion of part of our journey home. The most wonderful part we understand as Christians is that we never journey alone.

Bio: I have always been interested in art but didn’t start painting until 1995 while living in Clayton, NC where I begin taking art classes. I started with drawing and colored pencil and moved to watercolor. I tried pastels, and acrylics, but finally settled on water-soluble oils. I painted for over 20 years with a wonderful group of ladies, all older, who encouraged and critiqued my work until their age no longer permitted us to paint together. What a gift they all were to me. I have exhibited in many different locations in the Clayton, Raleigh and Wilmington, NC area. I am married, have two adult children, a son in law, and a wonderful granddaughter all who support and encourage me as an artist. www.Elizabethdesherbinin.com is my web site for more of my artwork.




Julie Christian Bender 1
Geraldine Benefonte 1
Sally Brower 1, 2
Alisa E. Clark 1, 2
Anne Cameron Cutri 1, 2
Elizabeth de Sherbinin 1, 2
Judith Fritchman 1
Gary Gorby 1
Christine Hales 1, 2
Tobias Haller, BSG 1
Linda Henke 1, 2
Linda Hunter 1, 2

Frank Logue 1
Mary Jane Miller 1, 2
Ed Mullins 1
Jack Pachuta 1
Jan Ramsey 1
Zachary Roesemann 1
Rara Schlitt 1, 2
Steven Schroeder 1, 2
Claudia Smith 1, 2
Kathleen Stark 1
Nancy Leachman Stoller 1, 2
Lisa Thorpe 1, 2
Carol Ann Webb 1

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