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Sandra Bowden
Ned Bustard
Patricia Dalzell
Ioana Datcu
Thomas Faulkner

Donald Forsythe
Gary Gorby
Kathy Hettinga
Bryan Hiott
Mary Kocol
Frank Logue
Colleen Meacham
Lucinda Metcalfe
Karen Mulder
Jennifer Murphy
Jan Neal
Albert Pedulla
Wendy Wahn
Anne Wetzel
Jim Zingarelli

Krystyna Sanderson




sanderson image


Places of Light #3

Krystyna Sanderson

gelatin silver photograph
7" x 10"

I love light rushing into and juxtaposing itself with darkness. I love shadows contrasting with illumination. I love the contrast and drama of light wrestling with dark, invading the dark and challenging it. I love the ever-changing patterns of shadows opposing their twin structures of light. I love the power of light, its presence. When light meets dark, it has enormous energy. It rushes in, it fills the darkness, it takes over. Light is stronger than darkness, just as the smallest ray of light has the power to pierce the deepest darkness, and the darkness is unable to extinguish it.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
John 1:4-5

Light means hope. Light means freedom. Light means life. How much more hope, joy and life there is if it comes in the person of our Lord Jesus Christ who is our hope, our joy, and our life.



    ©2001 The Episcopal Church and Visual Arts