Noah's Ark

Jack Pachuta

Noah's Ark


Artist Statement: The story of Noah’s Ark is a story of hope upon hope upon hope. First, they took two of every species, hoping the animals would survive the flood and repopulate the earth. Second, they hoped the rain would stop someday. Finally, they send out the dove hoping it would return with an olive branch and it did! Thanks to Noah, we are here today.

Bio: Jack Pachuta is a contemporary iconographer, whose work is inspired by Byzantine icons, romanesque frescoes and medieval bible illuminations. These icons are displayed in catholic, protestant, orthodox and byzantine rite churches. He is especially honored to have them in the Missionaries of Charity Motherhouse in Calcutta, the Curia Generalizia del Marianisti in Rome, St. Nicholas Church in Amsterdam, St. Lukes Anglican Church in Ontario, Amigos de Jesus Orphanage in Honduras and the Healing Garden Shrine at St. Augustine Church in Philadelphia, plus seminaries in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. Thousands of prayer cards made from his icons have been distributed nationwide through prison ministry organizations and organizations defending falsely accused priests. Jack is also a folk artist, printmaker and international award winning photographer. Currently he is interested in Miksang contemplative photography.




Margaret Amada 1
Richard Bellows 1
Kelly Bourgeois 1
Kathy Bozzuti-Jones 1 2
Alisa Clark 1
Catherine D. Kerr 1

Ann James Massey 1
Mary Jane Miller 1 2
Jack Pachuta 1 2 3
Zachary Roesemann1 2
Claudia Smith 1 2
Jeanne Harris Weaver 1

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