Emerging from a fog

Catherine D. Kerr

Emerging from a fog


Artist Statement: Photography is my spiritual discipline. I'm especially interested in the way light can be a metaphor for presence, and in particular in the way it breaks in and illuminates--light, like grace, changes everything. With this in mind, I love the timeless quality of black and white photography, which unites us with past generations and strips away the distraction of color, allowing the viewer to focus on light and form. This photo of the bridge across the Delaware River between Lambertville NJ and New Hope PA was taken in the early morning, before the sun had been up long enough to burn off the morning mist. My eye was caught by the shafts of light and shadow generated by sunlight through the structure of the bridge, and especially by the twin headlights of a car that is otherwise obscured by the fog. The morning mist is denser on some days than others, but the sun always rises and prevails.

Bio: I caught the camera bug early on, when my parents gave me a Brownie Starlet camera as a gift for my seventh birthday. My father, an avid amateur photographer, taught me to develop and print my film in the darkroom he built in the basement of our home. My first published photographs were taken to illustrate my work as a newspaper reporter and freelance writer. Later, as I followed a career path that led to ordained ministry in the Episcopal Church, my intent has shifted from showing what happened to exploring what matters. My work has been included in a number of juried exhibitions, online and in real life. In addition to making my own photos, I also enjoy helping others to express themselves through photography.




Margaret Amada 1
Richard Bellows 1
Kelly Bourgeois 1
Kathy Bozzuti-Jones 1 2
Alisa Clark 1
Catherine D. Kerr 1

Ann James Massey 1
Mary Jane Miller 1 2
Jack Pachuta 1 2 3
Zachary Roesemann1 2
Claudia Smith 1 2
Jeanne Harris Weaver 1

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