Mary and Joseph are seated
in a bed of straw on a ledge. Surrounded by moss and fern, they are protected by a
slight overhang from the cliff wall. Mary holds her child and
leans back against Joseph who looks at her with awe.
My clay work began over ten years ago as a
form of silent meditation and prayer. I work in the southwestern santero (saint maker)
tradition, designing saints, angels, nativities and shrines. My
creations are whimsical and exuberant reflections of the sacred narratives
that inspire them. Although my little Joyful Spirits left
the studio and are now in galleries, churches and private collections,
I still see them as a form of visual prayers.
In addition to my studio work, I am a frequent
speaker for church groups and retreats. My presentations focus on the use of art
throughout church history and on the connection of art, faith and
the spiritual journey. I also teach polymer clay workshops. A
native Texan, I moved to North Carolina in 2004 with my husband,
Tom an Episcopal priest.
Community: Grace
Episcopal Church, Lexington, NC