

  About the Curators

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by Artist's Name
by Diocese



  Richard Adams

  Camilla Brunschwyler   Armstrong

  Stefan Daniel Bell

  Wilfredo Benitez-Rivera

  Rachel Clearfield

  Ferris Cook

  Anne Pinkerton Davidson

  Barbara Desrosiers

  Gerard DiFalco

  Elizabeth Downs

  Episcopal Relief &   Development

  Isota Tucker Epes

  Debra Gabel

  Debbie Gale

  Gayle Gillette Hummel

  C. Robin Janning

  Nancy B. Johnston

  Joe Kenney

  Judy Gibson King

  The Rev. Caroline   Kramer

  Griffin Logue

  Judith McManis

  Jeanne Morrow

  Peter Murtough  

  Nan Nalder

  Jan Neal

  Michael Noyes

  Steve O'Loughlin

  Margaret Adams Parker

  The Rev. Ellen Francis   Poisson, OSH

  Suzanne Schleck

  Richard Sedlak

  Donna Shasteen

  Delda Skinner

  Kristy K. Smith

  Laura Fisher Smith

  Barbi Tinder

For She Is the Breadth of the Power of God   Jan Neal, Curator                                                                                                                             presented June 15, 2006



Servant's Dance

by Camilla Brunschwyler Armstrong
(Oil on canvas, 1998, 36" x 30")
t. John’s Episcopal Church – Montgomery, AL


The work created in 1998 is from a series entitled “Little Altars”. These pieces reside in private collections around the country. If there is going to be any further use of these beyond the video presentation, I may need to furnish you with the collector’s names.
All of the submitted images reflect the spiritual growth, transformation and changes that occur as we journey together as people of faith. Each piece is a “journey page” of sorts and are part of the collection called “Images for the Journey”.

Little Altars and little memories
have shaped my life
and are shaping it now.
First communion,
first kiss,
first love,
first sin.

Little Altars and little memories
have shaped my life
and are shaping it now.
Little Altars and little memories
are companions on the journey,
whispering and sometimes shouting:
“I was with you, I will not forsake you –
in the dark and in the light”.



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©2006 The Episcopal Church and Visual Art