

  About the Curators

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by Artist's Name
by Diocese



  Richard Adams

  Kristin Anderson

  Camila Brunschwyler   Armstrong

  Mary Ann Breisch

  Karen Brown

  Patricia M. Brown

  Mary Anne Carley

  Rachel Clearfield

  Anne Pinkerton Davidson

  Dorothy Gager

  Jim Hawtrey

  Gayle G. Hummel

  Sr. Claire Joy

  Joe Kenney

  Judy Gibson King

  The Rev. Caroline   Kramer

  Sonja Krastman

  Jerome Lawrence

  John C. Little

  Victoria Logue

  Julee P. Lowe

  Jesse P. Mark

  Margaret D. McGee

  Mary Melikian

  Jeanne Morrow

  Jan Neal

  Michael Noyes

  Margaret Adams Parker

  The Rev. Ellen Francis   Poisson, OSH

  Anne Randolph Rechter

  Lynne T. Runnells

  Suzanne Schleck

  Austin Schneider

  Kristy K. Smith

  Lynda Smith-Bugge

  Melissa J. Strickler

  Melanie Twelves

  L. Vaughn
  Jeanne H. Weaver
  Wendy West

Love Astounding   Anne Wetzel, Curator    presented June 19, 2006



Breath of God

by Anne Randolph Rechter
(Painting, 24" x 36")
Goodwin House - Falls Church, VA

For years, I have practiced a disciplined form of meditation, which often leads to explorations into different art forms …from dance, to painting, to yoga, to theater and poetry. Each art form contributes to the other. Dance and yoga releases physical obstructions; yogic meditation often leads me to greater poetic insights. Poetry is often the result of words flowing from the subconscious. Painting in various media embodies all of these disciplines.
Light, movement, color and form, rather than content, form the basic motivation of my abstract expressionist style. The love of movement derives from my life-long devotion of the art of Dance. I often combine both visual and performing arts in art performances and improvisations based directly on my paintings at exhibitions openings.
My retirement to Goodwin House, an Episcopal retirement community that honors the arts, has provided me the opportunity to continue working in all my art forms. Teaching yoga and meditation to other residents helps to develop their creativity as well.


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©2006 The Episcopal Church and Visual Art