Wetzel, Curator presented June 19, 2006 |
Breath of God
by Anne Randolph Rechter
24" x 36")
Goodwin House - Falls
Church, VA
For years, I have practiced a disciplined form of meditation,
which often leads to explorations into different art forms
…from dance, to painting, to yoga, to theater and
poetry. Each art form contributes to the other. Dance
and yoga releases physical obstructions; yogic meditation
often leads me to greater poetic insights. Poetry is often
the result of words flowing from the subconscious. Painting
in various media embodies all of these disciplines.
Light, movement, color and form, rather than content,
form the basic motivation of my abstract expressionist
style. The love of movement derives from my life-long
devotion of the art of Dance. I often combine both visual
and performing arts in art performances and improvisations
based directly on my paintings at exhibitions openings.
My retirement to Goodwin House, an Episcopal retirement
community that honors the arts, has provided me the opportunity
to continue working in all my art forms. Teaching yoga
and meditation to other residents helps to develop their
creativity as well.