

  About the Curators

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by Artist's Name
by Diocese


  Richard Adams

  Carelton Bakkum

  Carole Cade
  Nancy Carow
  Ferris Cook
  Barbara Desrosiers
  Robin Ellis
  Isota Tucker Epes
  Episcopal Relief
& Development
  Erin McGee Ferrell
  Debra Gabel
  Gary Gorby
  Francine Halvorsen
  C. Robin Janning
  Brenda Kingery
  Frank Logue
  Jesse P. Mark
  Nicole Maynard
  Quinn McDonald
  Judith McManis

  Mary Melikian

  The Rev. Nancy Mills
  John Moody
  Nan Nalder
  Jan Neal
  June Phelps
  The Rev. Ellen Francis   Poisson, OSH
  Caren Richardson
  Ginny Runge
  Lynn T. Runnells
  St. Mark's Fine Arts Camp

  Gary L. Sanford

  Lorna Effler Savizpour
  Suzanne Schleck
  Lynda Smith-Bugge
  Kathy Thaden
  Wendy West
  Jan Wilson
Wisdom of God   Anne Wetzel, Curator    presented June 20, 2006




by Lynda Smith-Bugge
(Black walnut, dogwood, and steel wire; 2001; 32"h x 36"w x 4"d)
St. Mark's Episcopal Church - Washington, DC

My sculpture transforms nature into works of art. Natural forms from trees within my neighborhood inspire me to create wood sculpture, which invite the viewer to touch and look at both the rough exterior and the finely finished interior of walnut, fruit trees, maple and other local woods. The winding shapes of branches rise upward; holes are filled with lathe-turned spheres; tree-wounds reveal shapes integral to the form; cuts are sewn-up with copper wire; and, balanced connections mindfully bring shapes together.
I create beauty from local neighborhood trees. I see them through my artist's eye and want others to see the trees they walk by everyday in a new way.


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©2006 The Episcopal Church and Visual Art