



Visual Preludes
General Convention 2003


Sanctifying the Convention Hall through Art

How do you transform a 99,000 square foot convention hall into a space for worship? That's the task ECVA and the General Convention Worship Team had as we approached the 74th General Convention of the Episcopal Church 2003 at the Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota. The convention hall used for worship was an ample 300' by 350', and would accommodate some 9,000 delegates.

ECVA's response to transform it on a limited budget was to use projected images to create an atmosphere for worship appropriate to the theme of each day's service. In addition to the Feast of the Transfiguration (images of transformation), the feast days of St. Ignatius and Enmagabowh provided an opportunity to showcase Latino and Native American art, and the convention's sub-themes of Receive, Repent, Reconcile, and Restore provided motifs for other days. This meant a higher visibility for ECVA as well as lots of new members.


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General Convention 2003 with Kathryn Carrington's Triptych projected on the screen.
Photo courtesy of Episcopal News Service

The use of projected images that are not simply a direct-feed video link of the service was a new departure for General Convention, and we were very excited about the possibilities, not only for the transformation of the space, but for showcasing the work of artists in the church.

Also provided was a workshop on the Morning of Prayer with images of reconciliation executed by participants and the Stations of the Cross created by sculptor and ECVA member, Tom Faulkner, presented in the chapel.

Eliza Linley and Mel Ahlborn


The Visual Preludes were projected during the worship service with the accompaniment of live music. They are presented here without music.

Day 1, July 30

Day 2, July 31
"to the greater glory of God"

Day 3, August 1
"Morning of Prayer"

Day 4, August 2
"Votive for Mission"

Day 5, August 3
"Meditation for Communion"

Day 6, August 4
"Rebuild the Church"

Day 7, August 5

Day 8, August 6
"Feast of the Transfiguration"

Day 9, August 7
"Sing a New Song"

Day10, August 8th
Reprise of the visual preludes August 4th - August 7th


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©2005 The Episcopal Church and Visual Arts