Faith In Motion

Nancy L. Carow, ICB

Video - 2:57

Artist Statement: ECVA’s Contemplative Painters Guild has provided meaningful way for me to remain tethered and engaged in a creative, artistic community. I was delighted that the Faith in Motion deadline was extended. Otherwise, there would have been no way for me to do a project.

Although I am a cradle Episcopalian, for a time I attended a different protestant church. I always left the service feeling like something was missing. It was only after I was able to return to the Episcopal Church that I realized what it was. I had missed a bodily connection to my faith.

The ways Episcopalians worship exemplify Faith in Motion. In particular, the ways in which we use our bodies can deepen our connection with God. This video celebrates that.

Technical Information. Video was recorded with a Sony A6000, handheld, taking advantage of the flip screen. I did my video editing in iMovie 10.2.5 where I applied a Vignette clip filter to the final version.

One of the strategies employed was to export video segments that had been cut and spliced extensively. That allow me to start a new project, import the stitched together clip where I could add additional layers of video, play with transparency, insert audio, then speed up or slow down whole segments without sacrificing video flow yet be able to revisit multiple versions of the project.

Bio: I’ve spent much of my working career applying digital media and visual arts to practical problems—as graphic designer for paying clients and as pro bono designer for children’s advocacy and church organizations. The biggest hurdle has been in creating art I do for myself. A BFA fueled my working career. My experiences as a foster parent and as a volunteer Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) led me back to school and a PhDc in Child and Family Studies. I am a grandmother of six, a musician (percussion/mallets), and a gardener endeavoring to return two acres of invasives back to a native wildlife refuge.

No matter which medium I am working in at the moment, I enjoy exploring the relationships among visual art elements–such as, color, form, line, shape, space, texture, and value. Especially texture.


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