Lisa Thorpe

8 Fold Path

Artist Statement: This piece is layered and deep in medium and meaning. Based on the Buddhist journey of the eight-fold path there are layers of symbols and images both universal and personal. My goal is to get the viewer to lean in, to ponder and wonder and reflect.

bio: As an artist I am an explorer and observer first. I like to wander and wonder, let things percolate while I ponder. I have numerous sketchbooks full of chicken scratch drawings and cryptic thoughts. Over time (and often during a long hot shower) an idea will keep rising to the surface, I might even push that thought bubble below the surface, telling it I don’t have time for you, but the best ideas won’t pop and so I move on from thought to action. I have used many mediums over the years from fabric to painting to printing and collage but the unifying thread through all these mediums is a love of the puzzle. I like to problem solve, to piece and play with an idea until it can take shape as a visual idea.

I love words and word play so words are often woven in the work and the work is woven in words. Throughout, no matter the medium, I play with the verbal and the visual. In that vein I have and artist journey blog. The blog pushes me to try new things, to play and produce and articulate both visually and in prose my ideas and inspirations. It has been a significant experiment, rewarding and daunting all at once. To create something and then share it with world almost immediately is both thrilling and terrifying. But what is art for if not to share, if not to pique and poke? So that is my goal, my quest my passion, to share art, to have conversations, to both reflect on and reflect back the wonders of the world I navigate.

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