Linda Hunter

Cross Road

Acrylic on paper

Artist Statement: This painting is a response to current events. Because America is at a cross road where we must decide who we are as a people and what direction to take, I chose a cross as the motif. Inspiration also came from two hymns that refer to the cross as “the emblem of suffering and shame” and the epitome of “sore abuse and scorn” inflicted on others.

Anyone who has been in an emotionally, psychologically, verbally, or spiritually abusive relationship knows about suffering. They also recognize a pattern of behavior in our society found even at the highest levels of government. Scornful name calling and bullying are the norm. Racist and sexist comments abound. Fear is used to manipulate and gain power and control over others. Resentment reigns. Shame filled people project their shortcomings onto others and then attempt to crucify them. We are living in a shadow land of lies where personal accountability is anathema, and denial and enabling are a way of life.

But the cross is also a symbol of hope. It’s believed that the energy of the divine emanates out from the point where the vertical and horizontal arms meet. There is necessary darkness in this painting, but the divine energy is piercing the dark areas. As a country, our collective shadow is being exposed to the light. How else can we be healed?

I see at the center point of the cross in this painting the heart of the living Christ. My hope is built on nothing less.

Bio: Linda Hunter of Now I See Liturgical Art: Art as a Way to Deepen the Spiritual Journey is an artist, art teacher, spiritual director, and arts workshop leader.

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