
  Visual Essay
  image   Eden
By Sr. Claire Joy
Claire Joy considers the story of the Garden of Eden, teasing out an interpretation other than crime and punishment.
  The Soul's Journey - a Mystical Approach to the Stations of the Cross
By Kathrin Burleson
Kathrin Burleson has created a contemporary view of the Stations of the Cross using a "Mystical Approach". While the life of Jesus is extraordinary, and he was hardly “any man”, the remarkable thing is that he lived life as one of us. He shows the way for each of us because in him and his story, we see ourselves, and the challenges and suffering that are the stuff of life.
  The Cross Within: Meditations on Christ by Gary L. Sanford
Images of a cross have repeatedly appeared to Gary Sanford during meditative prayer. Though lacking formal art training, Gary has captured these images as digital art using his computer in "
hope that you will find these images inspiring, meditative, and perhaps, peaceful".
  For there is a language of flowers . . . by Richard Adams
For Richard Adams, photographing flowers close-up is a reflection "
of the beautiful, healing nature of creation." He has also found inspiration in lyrics based on a poem with the words, "For there is a language of flowers / For the flowers are peculiarly / The poetry of Christ."
  Child of the Light by Jane Collin
Inspired by the lyrics "I want to walk as a Child of the Light”, artist Jane Collin began to paint the children serving at the altar. But these were not just children within the congregation, these children had touched Jane's personal life as well. "As I painted her, I felt her delight and celebrated my friendship with this Child of the Light."


    Mourning to Morning by Dorothy Ralph Gager
Sculptor Dorothy Gager created a series of sculptures that represent a personal struggle she endured. "My conclusion is that no matter what the struggle . . . the meaning of the cross of Jesus Christ is unchanged. And the power of the cross, Jesus' sacrifice, and resurrection would be my strength and my joy. And so it has!"
    Exploring the Book by Sandra Bowden
"My work for the last 40 years has focused on the miracle of written language, especially for those of us who are people of the Word. During that time there were many series of work that explored my fascination and study of language. Through a pictorial system we call language we are able to communicate across time and place allowing us to enter the mind of another pilgrim on the journey of life."
    Lost Temple by Mary Ann Breisch
In response to childhood images of God, a man who lives in the sky, artist Mary Ann Breisch explores the question "Who is our sky mother?". "These images were deeply influenced by my experience as an artist in residence at a school for unwed mothers, and a period of concentrated exploration of the "Goddess" in a group with other seekers."
    The Miracle of Small Things by Anne Wetzel
Photographer Anne Wetzel relishes in the simple things that she finds in the world around her. When she goes for walks, she is careful to observe the small details that others might overlook. "I don’t want to miss any of what I might see. The summer reflection of two leaves in a pool of water or the small twig rising up through the snow on Little Long Pond. Every autumn the collection of mushrooms that push up through the leaves is wonderful. I try to capture it all."
    The Parables of Jesus by Jim Janknegt
Jesus' reason for speaking in parables had to do with looking but not seeing, and listening but not hearing. Jim Janknegt believes the artist's role is "to help us see, not just look; see what the shadows of this world are disclosing about the Government of the Promised Son." He provides us with eight images from his ongoing series based on The Parables of Jesus.
    Magnum Mysterium by Inga Dubay
Inspired by the motet, O Magnum Mysterium, Inga Dubay has created a series of 9 paintings interpreting the choral work. "The layering of various media, together with the central gesture, are for me a visual metaphor of the words and harmonies of the music."
    Magnificat by Caroline Brown
Inspired by the Magnificat text and Easter lilies, Caroline Brown has begun a series of paintings using the form of the lily with the text of the canticle of the Virgin Mary. Here she explores the meaning of Easter and the triumph of "He is Risen".
    The Hours by Tony Morinelli
Based on the Daily Office or Divine Office, Tony Morinelli has created an ongoing series of paintings that "deals with the meditation on salvific light at different times of day and night."

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©2007 The Episcopal Church and Visual Arts