Frank Logue

Singing for Joy


Artist Statement: "Then shall the trees of the forest sing for joy before the Lord, for he comes to judge the earth." -I Chronicles 16:33

I took this infrared black and white photo of a majestic tree rising through a morning fog in a pasture near Harestanes, Scotland. The uplifting branches seemed to fit this verse of a tree singing for joy. All creation points us to the creator who made everything and called it good and entrusted it into the care of humanity. How we tend to the earth which God gave us to steward remains an important part of how we respond to the gifts we have been given.

Bio: Frank Logue worked for five years as a photojournalist before working freelance as a writer/photographer with his wife, Victoria. He is an Episcopal priest serving as the Canon to the Ordinary (assistant to the bishop) of the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia and a member of the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church.

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