Sally Brower

Camel Driver


Artist Statement: The Egyptian camel driver standing watch over the camels, reminds me to look for the divine in unexpected places. Camel drivers like shepherds would have been considered unclean in biblical times. But God has erased the the distinctions between clean and unclean, poor and rich, creating all of us in his likeness. In the camel driver’s dazzling white raiment, I see him transfigured into the divine image.

Bio: In my vocation as priest and as artist, I endeavor to evoke the holy. I use visual art, writing, meditation, and other devotional practices to invite others to awaken to the mystery of love at the heart of the universe, risk sacred encounter, and cross the threshold of their heart's deepest hopes.

A recent graduate of the Living School, I practice the art of sermon writing at St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church in Mooresville, NC.

I am currently working with photography, placing an encaustic layer over the photo and then framing it using a combination of repurposed objects, and up-cycled and hand-built wood frames. I use my photography from pilgrimages to holy places and in nature, each one a record of a moment when the divine spoke through the incarnate world.

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