Catherine D. Kerr

Let it go

Digital photography

Artist Statement: On one of my daily walks through town with my camera, I noticed the watery reflection of these two trees, and the way the image seemed to dissolve and flow over the edge of the waterfall caught my eye and struck me as a message of hope. If we were by turns sad, frightened, and lonely in pandemic, the best way to deal with those emotions was to acknowledge them and then let them go. Nothing is permanent; this too shall pass, just as the water keeps flowing and the trees stand their ground.

Bio: Catherine D. Kerr caught the camera bug early on, when her parents gave her a Brownie Starlet camera as a gift for her seventh birthday. Her first published photographs were taken to illustrate her work as a newspaper reporter and freelance writer. As she followed a career path that led to ordained ministry in the Episcopal Church, however, her purpose evolved from telling what happened to telling what matters. She is especially interested in the way light can be a metaphor for grace or presence, and in particular in the way it breaks in and illuminates, transforming the ordinary to be extraordinary. In recent years she has focused on photography as a spiritual discipline, and she's written about and led quiet days on photography as a contemplative spiritual practice. Her work has been selected for display in a number of juried photography exhibitions, including most recently the 2021 Odyssey show sponsored by the Pennsylvania Center for Photography in Bucks County, PA, and a show titled "Essential Work 2020: A Community Portrait" this summer at the James A. Michener Art Museum in Doylestown, PA.

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