The Guardians, 2023

Mel Ahlborn

(Click on image to enlarge)












Artist Statement: “The more materialistic science becomes, the more angels shall I paint. Their wings are my protest in favor of the immortality of the soul.” My series, ‘The Guardians,’ has its roots in this quotation from Sir Edward Byrne-Jones. My goal for these works would be a commission to enlarge them and cast them in bronze, in monumental scale, perhaps 8-9’ in height.

Bio: Mel Ahlborn is the director of Illumination Studio. She is a contemporary artist whose artistic expression draws upon cultural symbolism with historically complex commonalities.

Her commercial works for education and business illustrate, brand, present, and instruct using print, multimedia and interactivity. Her fine art works for exhibition and collection represent contemporary human experience, and use the visual language of Christianity to explore identity, tradition, and story.

Mel Ahlborn is creator of The Ubuntu Reredos, a 40‘x60’ multimedia altarpiece for the 76th General Convention of The Episcopal Church at the Anaheim Convention Center, July 2009. She is Board Member, past-President and CEO of Episcopal Church & Visual Arts, Inc. In 2003 Mel was elected Fellow of the Center for Arts, Religion and Education, at the Graduate Theological Union Seminaries, Berkeley, CA. She teaches graduate coursework in Art and Religion, in the subject areas of manuscript illumination, visual preaching, and the intersections art and faith. Mel has served as an Advisory Board Member for the Center for Christian Media Studies in Berkeley.


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