Joseph Presley
"O send out
thy light and thy truth, that they may
lead me, and bring me unto thy holy
hill, and to they dwelling." Psalm 43:3,
from Morning Prayer I.
Gazing over the mountain with the cross
in the foreground and the patchwork of
acreage in the background, one cannot
help but experience the power and beauty
of God and Nature.
JPresley grew up in New Orleans and
Madrid, Spain, and studied at the
McCready School. He attended Sewanee
where he earned an Economics degree.
After graduating from the University of
the South, Presley moved to Nashville,
Tennessee, where he has lived for 32
years. He has had a lifelong passion for
watercolor considering his time with the
easel his "sanctuary."
Joseph Presley
Parish: St. George's Episcopal Church
Nashville, Tennessee |