Bill Livingston

Rest Awhile


Artist Statement: My wife, Diane, two of our adult sons and I made the steep but exhilarating 8.5 mile climb to LeConte Lodge, the highest (6400 feet) guest lodge in the eastern US, located in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, and accessible only by hiking. Our hand built rough hewn log cabin constructed in 1926 had 2 bedrooms with bunk beds made from rough posts and woven rope supports and a room with an antique chair and table with an oil lamp – no electricity or plumbing. After arriving and hanging our backpacks on pegs on the wall we prepared to go to the top of Mt. LeConte. I changed from hiking boots to hiking sandals. As I was leaving the cabin, I looked back and seeing my boots in front of the chair, it beckoned me to, “Rest a while.”

Bio: I have loved photography the past 45 years but, as with many of our joys, it got neglected among other priorities: being a father and husband, mental health center CEO and then parish priest. Now retired from full time parish ministry, I have more time for photography and hiking, with the two intertwined. I live in and hike the mountains and waterfalls of western North Carolina with my wife Diane. Believing that seeing through a lens provides a new way to see the world or seeing the world as I think God sees it, I photograph what holds my attention in nature or wherever I happen to be hiking. I’ve had photographs included in Soul by Southwest, published by the Seminary of the Southwest.

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