Chuck Hoffman & Peg
... black and white, left, right, good, evil,
conservative, liberal, I have it right, you have it wrong, faith
divided by moral and political ideologies, not budging from our
sense of beliefs, just waiting for the power structure to
change or better yet, move off with our own tribe of like
thinkers and wait for the next dividing issue.
how can we move towards one another? how can we begin
to see God in the color that resides in both the black
and the white? what could happen? would life be more rich in celebrating our differences with understanding? Could we have a sudden outbreak of hope? Can changing our lens
from seeking differences to finding understanding lead us
to new truth? Can our imaginations and creativity lead us to
grace margins and a compassionate and faith filled way
For those who dare the possibility to become
transparent and to interact with each other I think that I not only
connect with creation, but find out about who I am in it, and who
I am in relationship to others. Could it help lead us back to
our humanity for
the love of Christ?