And then he said to them,
"But who do you say that I am?"

(Luke 9:20)


As we begin the long slow walk through the 40 days of Lent, who is this Christ who has promised to walk with us? Inspired by thoughts of Jesus as brother, the artists whose work appears in this exhibition responded with a variety of images, some traditional and some less so.


Spending prayerful time with each of the pieces in this exhibition, I felt faith and hope shine through, and found myself thinking of the words of Mother Teresa, as she looked upon the faces of those whom she served: “Each one of them is Jesus in disguise.” Each of these images, in its own way, offers a gentle reassurance — that wherever we may find ourselves, our brother Jesus is with us, just as the sun and the rain continue to feed, support, and nurture us, helping us to grow into what we are called by God and Christ to become. 


We invite you to spend some time with these images as you move through Lent. And as you do so, listen for that

reassuring voice:


"For lo, I am with you always
even unto the end of the world."

(Matthew 28:20)


Lent 2012

Diane Walker



PLEASE NOTE: All images used in this exhibition retain the copyright of the individual ARTIST with ALL RIGHTS RESERVED for the ARTIST. DO NOT use any image from this exhibition unless you receive express permission to do so from the ARTIST. Click on the "PROFILE" graphic/button on each exhibition page, which provides a link to contact information for the ARTIST whose work is shown on that page.

List of Artists:

Geraldine Benfante

Caroline Coolidge Brown

Joyce Caggiano

Mary Anne Carley

Kathleen Dello Stritto

Barbara Desrosiers 1  2  3

 Gerard Di Falco

Scott Fisher

John Giuliani 1  2  3

Gary Gorby

Brandon Hudson

Linda Hunter

C. Robin Janning

Kathy Bozzuti-Jones 1  2

Linda McCray

Mary Jane Miller

Margaret Adams Parker

Carol Perry

Zachary Roesemann

Connie K. Sales 1  2

Carole McIntosh Sikes

Irvane Spracklin

Diane Walker 1  2