<  Barbara J. Mitchell >

Searching for Grace Amid Chaos
Fiber Art


In 2011 I needed surgery for a congenital heart malformation.  With a life-long terror of doctors and hospitals, having open-heart surgery caused me much fear and anxiety.


I was warned that the diagnostic MRI was claustrophobic and loud.  I decided to keep my eyes closed and during the MRI I “saw” a circle that I knew was blue, yet a color blue unknown to me. The fear, represented by the sharp lines and ragged torn strips of black and white fabric, gave way to the peaceful blue image that God’s grace would overcome my sense of chaos. 


There were several critical medical situations that happened during and after surgery, but I was comforted to know God was taking care of me.  Stitching this artwork allowed me to remember how faith overcame fear.  Thanks be to God, I am now fully recovered.





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