Kathy Thaden


The Visit

The sculpture, “The Visit,” was created as our women’s group began planning a retreat. The first piece of our theme came to me through Graham Kendrick’s song “Go Forth in His Name.”

Go forth in his name, proclaiming "Jesus reigns!" Now is the time for the church to arise, And proclaim him "Jesus, Saviour, Redeemer and Lord"

Countless the souls that are stumbling in darkness, Why do we sleep in the light? Jesus commands us to go make disciples…

I sensed that our retreat could be an opportunity for deeper growth – rest and renewal, yes – but the lyrics challenged me. How could we inspire each other, knowing we are being called out to share God's love and intentionally invite others in to God’s loving relationship?

As I considered this for our retreat I also read this from Luke:

Mary set out and went with haste to a Judean town in the hill country, where she entered the house… and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child leapt in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.

Mary went to tell Elizabeth about this amazing, life-changing occurrence. As Christians we have also experienced something life-changing. It is love. It is relationship with the living, loving God. It is hope.

“The Visit” portrays Elizabeth embracing Mary, telling Mary she is blessed for believing what the Lord told her. So, it is also about choice – choosing to believe the Good News, and choosing to share it with others.