
by Artist's Name
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  Richard Adams

  Barbara Dee Baumgarten

  Stefan Daniel Bell

  Wilfredo Benitez-Rivera

  Rachel Clearfield

  Ferris Cook

  Veryle Lynn Cox

  Elizabeth Downs

  Episcopal Relief & Development

  Ann Finch

  Paul Fromberg

  Francine Halvorsen

  Nancy B. Johnston

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  Jerome Lawrence
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  Jeanne Morrow

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  Michael Noyes

  Steve O'Loughlin

  Margaret Adams Parker
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  Donna Shasteen
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  Laura Fisher Smith
  Kathy Thaden
  Barbi Tinder
  Shahar Caren Weaver
  Anne Wetzel
  Suzanne Zoole

God's Work      Brie Dodson, Curator           presented June 18, 2006



Retreatant's Room at Mepkin Abbey
by Suzanne Zoole

(Painting, 2003, 15" x 22")
Episcopal Church of the Advent - Spartanburg, NC

This place, this room pictured here, is one of the many quiet spots at Mepkin Abbey, a Trappist monastery in Moncks Corner, SC. This is the place I return to every January to be silent for a week and to grow. It is here in this plain room and in the low country setting of old oaks, Spanish moss and camellias, and in the Abbey Church that I spend my week -- getting my bearings, coming to terms with people and the world, finding my center, and returning to things eternal.
The bed (where reading contemplation and dreaming take place) and belongings are true to the room's contents. The design on the wall is added. It is a copy of a clay tile found in the ruins of a Cistercian Monastery in Wales. It was painted in exquisite solitude and silence.


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