
by Artist's Name
by Diocese



  Kristin Anderson

  Camilla Brunschwyler Armstrong

  Wilfredo Benitez-Rivera

  Mary Ann Breisch

  Patricia M. Brown

  Christ Church, Bowling Green KY

  Rachel Clearfield

  Veryle Lynn Cox

  Gerard Di Falco

  Ann Finch

  Paul Fromberg

  Debra Gabel

  Dorothy Ralph Gager

  The Rev. Susan E. Goff

  Laurie Gudim

  Nolan Kelley

  Brenda Kingery

  Victoria Logue

  Julee P. Lowe

  Ed Moore

  Jan Neal

  The Rev. Ellen Francis Poisson   OSH

  Rachel Weaver Rivera

  Lorna Effler Savizpour

  Sue Schwartz

  Donna Shasteen

  Delda Skinner

  Kristy K. Smith

  Lynda Smith-Bugge

  Janet Strickler

  Susan Tilt

  Barbi Tinder

  Jeanne Weaver

  Anne Ziemienski


Friendship with God     Brie Dodson, Curator           presented June 16, 2006



by Jan Neal
(Painting, 2006)

Emmanuel Episcopal Church - Diocese of Alabama


Saint Mary Magdalene teaches me that love, adoration and faithfulness are greater than power. This icon, digitally hand painted with a mouse, reveals my vision of the one who loved Christ as I should. She wears black and grieves the crucifixion; she holds one white lily as witness to the resurrection; her eyes are those of one who has witnessed the greatest sorrow and the greatest joy; her halo contains seven flowers of nard, from which oil was made to anointed Christ, seven as a symbol of her gratitude for Christ healing her of seven demons.


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