
Jeanne Harris Weaver

Todd Returns Home

On September 9, 2009, my son, 1LT Todd W. Weaver was killed in Kandahar, Afghanistan.  Twenty-four hours later my family caravanned  to Dover, Delaware to witness the Dignified Transfer of Todd returning to American soil.  

It was a cold, wet, dreary morning.  We were led out to the tarmac.   The cold, hard, elevated conveyor machine high above the ground slid Todd’s flag-draped coffin from the transport area of the plane.  The General knelt to say a prayer at Todd’s coffin.  At that moment the sun broke through the clouds.  I felt a warmth in my body and witnessed a brilliant radiating light surround the coffin.  A sense of peace brought a small smile to my face acknowledging that though I would never have Todd’s presence here on earth I knew his heavenly presence through the Holy Spirit was with me.

(Note:  There were no reference photos used to create this painting.  It is my memory.)





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