<  Virginia Wieringa  >


During my recent 33 radiation treatments for breast cancer, chanting helped me to go through the process with a gentle mind. One of my daily favorites was a variation on the  Doxology Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow. I sang to myself: “The Lord bless you from Heaven above, and shine on you with RADIANT face. The Lord who Heaven and Earth has made, ILLUMINE you with peace and grace.”

I often include sacred music in my collages. Though I’m not a musician, the patterns and the variety of shapes on the page please me and imply a song. The repetition of a praise song in whatever cultural context, whether it’s in the studio, during a medical procedure, or singing together with a congregation often leads to "glory door moments" and helps me see the "thin places" where "patches of Godlight" illumine my life.




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