Judith Mary Rose

A Revelation of Love

Acrylic & gesso on watercolor paper
Spring 2004
11 x 14 inches

Taking part in an Intuitive Abstract Painting Workshop and working intensely with acrylic and gesso - pouring, drying, scraping, thinning, sanding and building texture - I had no preconceived notion of what the painting would be. I was simply working with shapes, colors, values and textures, letting the painting itself lead me to my next step. I was totally absorbed in my work.

Last to be added were the elongated, loosely placed strokes of ochre on the right - which I immediately recognized as the figure of Christ. I was stunned. The work was complete. Studying the painting at home I then saw Christ’s outstretched arms and hands reaching out to the sun figure in the upper left which I realized was a symbol for God. Later, a bird seemed suddenly to appear - a dove perched on Christ’s fingertips! The Holy Spirit! The painting then, was of the Holy Trinity but with mystifying black areas contrasting with the general brilliance of the piece.

A line from Julian of Norwich’s Revelation of Love gave the explanation: “...our
foul mortal skin that our fair, bright, blessed Lord bore for our sins.” The painting was a celebration of Love - that flowing among the persons of the Holy Trinity and that of Christ’s sacrificial love for all mankind.